
Baking Basics Made Easy

     Apple Dumplings
2  large rolls of Pillsbury Crescent Dough
1/4 cup Cinnamon Sugar
2 - 3 large green apples (my favorite)
3/4 cup Cinnamon Sugar (heavy on the Cinnamon)
2 sticks of butter
1 can of Mountain Dew (you might have a little left )
9 x 13 Pyrex casserole dish

 Let the butter come to room temperature.  Butter the rectangle casserole and set aside.  Unroll the crescents and lay in a row.  Slice 3 peeled or unpeeled apples in 6 to 8 slices per apple.  You want 3 slices per roll.  Sprinkle dough and apple slices with cinnamon sugar.  Place 3 slices of apple on each dough triangle and roll up, ending with the tip.  Make 2 rows in your dish.  Place tip of roll down.  Take 3/4 cup of sugar mixed with a little cinnamon and sprinkle over rolls.  Take your small dish of very soft butter (NOT MELTED) and add 1 Tablespoon of Real Vanilla Extract and stir once.  You want to see the vanilla.  Spoon some of this mixture on top of each roll.  Open the can of Mountain Dew and slowly pour around the rolls NOT ON the rolls.  Don't knock off the butter.  Lightly sprinkle some more Real Cinnamon on top of each roll.  Bake at the temperature on the package till nice and brown on top.  Let cool for 20 minutes before serving.  I first saw this on Pioneer Woman and it is as good as it looks. 
  • If you use 1 package of rolls you'll only need a small can of soda.  I have made these in individual.2 cup little bowls and they are great.  Use enough soda that they look like their swimming.  Enjoy!
Christmas Crescent Tree or Large Heart
   Fast,  easy and pretty, you know me. 

Shopping List for Tree:
1 or 2 large rolls of Pillsbury Crescents
Flavored Cream Cheese Spread
  Chive and Onion
or  Strawberry.
A few stuffed green olives or fresh berries
That's it!

Remove the crescent dough, but do NOT unroll.  You can make as many slices as you like, but to get a tree you need 16.   Lay parchment paper on a cookie sheet that you have very lightly sprayed with a non stick spray.  Slice the roll and line the rolls up to look like a tree, with them all touching.  Use one for the trunk.  Bake at 375 or till lightly brown.

When cool, slide off onto a serving tray.  Top each one with 1/2 Tbs. of whipped cream cheese.
My favorite topping:   finely diced garlic stuffed green olives and garnished with diced red pimento.
Next Favorite: plain whipped cream cheese topped with berries. They look like ornaments.  Nice with strawberries on Valentine's Day.

for Pumpkin Pie with Flavored Cream Topping

In a large bowl, mix 2 1/2 cups of all purpose flour with 1 teas. Baking Powder and a 1/2 teas. salt. Next, add 1 stick, sliced, very cold butter, 1/3 cup Butter Flavored Crisco.  I use a pastry cutter or two knives to slice and dice.  In a Pyrex 2 cup measuring cup add 2 teas. apple cider vinegar, and 3 or 4 ice cubes to 1 1/2 cups water.  (You may not need all the water) Slowly add the ice cold water, which means 5 minutes or more, till this can be rolled loosely into a ball.  Cover with plastic wrap and chill. 
This gives me time to get my work place cleaned up and ready to roll out my crust.  Spread 1/4 cup flour on the work surface.  Take the crust and work it into a better ball by folding over 3 or 4 times to make layers.  Roll out crust to go way beyond the size of the pan.  You want to be able to form a pretty edge.  Do not stretch.  Lay in a pie pan and fold under some crust to have enough to crimp the edges. Don't squeeze the dough, or it will not be flaky.  Chill for an hour or longer while you make your pie filling.  If using the 29oz. can of Libby's Pumpkin, reserve 1/3 cup of pumpkin for the whipped topping.  This can makes 2 pies and I add 1 T. flour.

Whipped Topping for Pumpkin Pie

In one medium bowl, mix 1/3 cup of canned pumpkin, 4 teas. of white sugar and 1 teas. real Maple Syrup.
In a separate medium bowl beat 1 cup of Ultra Whipping Cream 1 minute and then slowly add the pumpkin mixture and beat till medium soft peaks form.  This holds for 2 days.  Great on Pumpkin or Pecan pie.

I need to let ya all know that I live in a humid climate,
the land where sheets never dry if hung outside.
 This will affect the moisture content of all recipes.

My Very Best Soft Sugar Cookie

In a large bowl, add 1 rounded teas. of Baking Powder, 1/2 teas. salt and 1 1/2 cups of white sugar.
Sift well.  Next cream 1 cup of Butter Flavor Crisco plus 1 Tablespoon of Vanilla with the sugar mix till fluffy.  I have added half butter and half Crisco with very nice results.  Add two eggs, one at a time and begin to add 3 cups of white all purpose flour.  The mixture has enough flour when it starts to leave the sides of the mixing bowl.  
Chill at least 30 minutes.

 Lay parchment paper on your cookie sheets.  I use a 1/4 cup ice cream scoop to dip these out.  Flatten each one by sprinkling a little white sugar on top and press down with a glass till your cookie is a 1/2" deep.  When finished with one cookie sheet sift some more sugar on top.  I love to add fresh lemon zest to the sugar.  If you are going to glaze or frost these you won't want very much sugar on top.
Bake at 325 for 8 - 10 minutes.
Low heat and slow baking make a nice soft sugar cookie.
The edges should be very light brown.  Leave these on the cookie sheet till cool.

Fresh Lemon Glaze
Sift powdered sugar and add enough fresh lemon juice to make a glaze.
 About 1 1/2 Tbs. per 2 cups sugar.
Drizzle this on while cookies are still warm.

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