
Divinity is Divine

Sweet white fluffy clouds.

Assemble 2 1/2 cups of white sugar, 1/2 cup of light corn syrup (clear), 1/4 teaspoon of salt, 1/2 cup of water, 2 egg whites and 1 teaspoon of real vanilla. You will need 1 mixer with very clean beaters, 1 wire wisk, 1 - 4 cup pyrex liquid measuring cup, parchment or wax paper lined cookie sheet, a candy thermometor, 1 medium size heavy bottomed sauce pan and 1 adult to help pour the boiling syrup into the egg whites while you are beating the egg whites with the mixer. This should turn out light and fluffy, not firm like fudge.

In the sauce pan, put the sugar, corn syrup, salt and water.. Turn your electric burner to 5 or 6 and bring the mixture to a rolling boil. Up to this point you can stir till all the ingredients are combined. After the rolling boiling point is reached, DO NOT stir. Let it boil till it reaches 250'. Do not scrape the sides of the pan or measuring cup. While the mixture is boiling, beat your room temperature egg whites till stiff. Remove the boiling mixture from the stove and carfully pour the syrup into the measuring cup over the sink. Now while one person is beating the egg whites the other is pouring the hot syrup into the egg whites at the same time. Pour in a thin steady stream. Add the vanilla to the egg whites and continue to beat till the syrup is all in the Divinity. Stop the mixer and continue with the wisk till fairly stiff, maybe 2 minutes. Quickly drop dollops of Divinity onto the wax paper. If you can, make a little swirl on top like they did at the ole Dairy Queen Ice Cream Shops. These keep for 1 week in a loosely covered dish. You should have about 24 pieces. Enjoy.

One of the best field trips I ever went on was to the See Candy Factory. They made peanut brittle, much like the picture below, and poured it out on a slab of marble to cool. Of course we all received a piece to sample and then got to watch them coat little chocolates, complete with all the different swirls on top. Yum.

Merry Christmas

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