
Ruskin Wildflowers Part 5

It's now mid July and I found these
 very dainty Buchnera americanas that
 keep on blooming for quite a while.

Mexican Petunia's found growing in the local swamp.

Lush 5 foot high dense pink flowers along a watery ditch.

A field of Yellow Squash in bloom at the end of June.


A very lush Virginia Creeper. The Cardinal's
love these vines:
maybe because they blend in so well.


Trailing yellow flowering vine
 found covering fences in Ruskin.
Later it will have orange pods
that pop open and expose bright
red seeds.  Wild Balsam Apple
Momordica charantia

Lovely Beach Morning Glories are in bloom
during July at the beach.

Blanket Flowers are in bloom
along the local beach in July.
Gaillardia pulchella

Coreopsis are still in blooming
along the roads, though not as thick.

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